Keep your primary care provider and get extra care and support from Patina

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Keep your primary care provider and get extra care and support from Patina

Patina is a medical practice that’s here to support adults 65+ by providing personalized care, navigation and coordination. We can be your main primary care provider (PCP), or if you prefer, you can keep your current PCP and still get extra help from your Patina care team. Whether we’re your PCP or just delivering additional support, there’s no extra cost if you have Medicare or a participating Medicare Advantage plan in the Philadelphia or Charlotte areas.

As your primary care provider, we go beyond the basics of regular check-ups and flu shots. You’ll have a dedicated team focused on your overall well-being, helping you stay healthy, manage chronic conditions, and support your emotional health. We always take the time to listen, making sure you have a care plan focused on your specific goals, values and preferences. 

If you’d rather keep your current PCP, no problem! We can still provide care and extra support when you need it, and can also help with things like coordinating appointments, managing medications, and navigating your health needs — all working together with your doctor. It’s easy to change, and we’ll take care of any paperwork that’s needed.

Here’s what Neil Patel, MD, Patina’s Chief Health Officer, had to say about how Patina can help.

Q: What’s the difference between Patina and my current PCP?

Dr. Neil: Great question! If you love your current doctor and want to stay with them, think of Patina as extra support to help with the things they may not have the time or resources for. We offer more than just regular check-ups — we’re here to help with your overall health, including your emotional well-being and social needs.

Because we focus only on patients who are 65 and older, you’ll have a team of aging experts to support your care, plus help you manage all your specialists, medications, and insurance or benefit issues. And, we provide 24/7 access to care via phone or our app, with a clinician on-call after hours. You’ll also have a Patina “Health Champion” who’s your go-to for anything related to your health.

Q: When should I contact Patina instead of my current PCP?

Dr. Neil: We suggest that you call us first, but it’s really up to you. If you need quick answers, aren’t feeling well, or need help managing stress, diet, or ongoing health issues, we can help. We can also help with scheduling appointments, answering insurance questions, and figuring out what you need after a hospital stay. Your current doctor may not have time for all of this, but we’re here to handle it all! If there are any new things happening with your health, we’ll make sure your current PCP is aware.

Q: Can I still visit my current PCP in person?

Dr. Neil: Absolutely! You can keep seeing your doctor in their office. At the same time, you’ll also have Patina to make things easier — like scheduling appointments, getting answers quickly, and having 24/7 care access. We even offer in-home care when needed, with one of our nurses visiting you while your Patina PCP joins through video. 

Q: What will my current doctor think about this option?

Dr. Neil: Most doctors appreciate the extra support we offer. Many primary care providers don’t have the resources to handle things like coordinating care, resolving insurance issues, or helping with day-to-day health needs. Patina fills in those gaps, and we keep your doctor updated on any big changes in your health.

Q: How does Patina communicate with my doctor?

Dr. Neil: We make sure to keep your doctor in the loop. If there are changes in your health or medications, or if you have new lab results or are hospitalized, we’ll share that information and discuss care plans with your doctor and other specialists to keep everyone on the same page.

Q: Do I have to pay more to use Patina’s services?

Dr. Neil: The short answer is no. There’s no extra cost for Patina beyond your usual primary care copay or coinsurance. We’re covered by Medicare and most Medicare Advantage plans in the greater Philadelphia and Charlotte areas.

Q: I’m in an HMO. Can I still use Patina?

Dr. Neil: Yes! If you’re in an HMO, you can choose Patina as your primary care provider. If you have a different PCP already, we’ll make it easy to switch and handle all the set-up. If you try Patina and decide it’s not for you, we’ll help you go back to your previous doctor or find a new one.

Q: Do I need to contact my insurance company about switching to Patina?

Dr. Neil: No, we’ll handle that for you! We’ll confirm everything with your insurance and take care of the paperwork. You don’t have to do a thing.

Q: Do I need to ask my current doctor for my medical records?

Dr. Neil: We’ll take care of that, too. We’ll reach out to your doctor and get all the necessary medical records.

Q: How do I get started with Patina?

Dr. Neil: It’s easy! Just give us a call Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., at 855-478-8310. Or, if you’d rather, fill out the form below, and we’ll call you back. You can also schedule a time to chat with our team using this link.

We also host “meet & greet” sessions with our care team every Wednesday at 2 p.m. where you can ask questions live. We’d love to meet you and answer anything you want to know!

Let Patina help you get age-friendly care and take on the hassles so you can focus on what matters most — your health and well-being!


Are you looking for a provider who supports the whole person, including condition management and more? Patina is a unique medical practice that supports your total health and well-being, as well as helps with care navigation and coordination. Please share your contact information and our team will reach out within a business day to answer any questions or schedule your first appointment.

We’re ready to help you!