Hee Cho, RN

Patina Nurse Champion

Hee is a Nurse Champion at Patina. A graduate of the University of Virginia’s nursing program, Hee brings 25 years of nursing experience to her role. Working with her patients virtually, Hee supports her patients at every step of their care journey, from answering questions about treatments and therapies to being on hand to navigate confusing healthcare events.

Hee admires her parents, aunts, uncles and neighbors for the support they’ve provided her as she’s worked to achieve her dreams. That gratitude has fueled her passion for caregiving, and today, she is able to pay it forward through her work. Patina, Hee says, is unique in that it allows loved ones to easily be part of patients’ care, and ensure they have the support they need to enjoy a healthy aging experience.

Hee spent the first decade of her nursing career in telemetry, cardiothoracic, and heart and lung transplant step-down units, as well as trauma and general surgery in the ICU, at the Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. She also has an extensive case management background, related to Medicare complex cases and readmission reduction. Hee also worked as a utilization review nurse at Aetna for acute care admission, long term acute care admission, acute rehab and skilled nursing care admission.

Hee is a long-time resident of the Philadelphia suburbs, where she currently resides with her family. In her free time, Hee loves to read and listen to music, and is learning how to crochet. She has learned plenty of lessons from her patients, but foremost among them is to be humble and kind.


“Do not complain about growing old. It is a privilege denied to many.” – Mark Twain

Get to know Hee in this Q&A.
