Age-friendly care and support for your members.

Innovative solutions to help you achieve a great member experience and world-class health outcomes at a reduced total cost of care. 

Older woman at home texting on a smartphone

Purpose-built to deliver value-based outcomes at scale.

Patina provides comprehensive, age-friendly care and navigation support, focused exclusively on the needs of Medicare Advantage members. We’re able to deliver better outcomes because we take the time to know members, understand their goals and values, and support them with highly personalized, whole-person care. We can deliver care to your members wherever they are, through a virtual and in-home experience that’s highly accessible, convenient and available 24/7.

Proven results.

Our care model and underlying technology and analytics platform were built-for-purpose to drive the value-based outcomes that matter most to you and to your members.

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Delight members

70+ NPS

98% patient satisfaction

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Improve quality

>70% quality gap closure

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Reduce waste and harm

>20% medical spend reduction

>20% RAF improvement 

Flexible options to meet your needs.


In-network primary care

You can offer Patina as an age-friendly primary care option for members participating in your Medicare Advantage plans. Members benefit from having the support of a dedicated, multi-disciplinary care team that takes the time to know them and that can support their whole-person needs: physical, behavioral and social. 


Population health

With Patina Total HealthTM, your members will receive the age-friendly, personalized care they deserve while keeping their current primary care provider. We’ll ensure seamless coordination with their PCP and other network providers while delivering whole-person care and addressing their unmet needs and care gaps. 



Scalable to your whole population or key segments.

You can deploy Patina across your entire population, or take a more targeted approach for discrete segments requiring more focus. With capabilities that are built to quickly scale, we’re ready to support your members – wherever they are. Program enrollment is simple and leads to high engagement that’s sustained over time. We also support members’ loved ones, easing the burden for care coordination and legwork.

A better member experience.


Take time to know members; never rushed


Built on trust and relationships


Same dedicated team over time


Support for total health and well-being


Convenient and easy-to-access

A high-touch approach that members love.

Patients tell us every day how grateful they are for the care and support from their dedicated care team that includes doctors, nurses, behavioral health specialists and health champions. Discover why they appreciate our age-friendly, highly personal approach.

A team who knows them – and cares



The value of a health



5-star ratings and



Want to learn more?

Ready to improve plan profitability and clinical outcomes while delighting your members?
Contact us to start generating value-based outcomes at scale.