Paying it forward: Phyllis Stickney


“This is such a different experience than I've had in the past. I feel like the whole team knows me and has my best interests at heart.” – Phyllis Stickney

1 Phyllis' story at a glance
  • Retired high school math teacher in Elkins Park, Pa; married to Andrew and mom to two fur-babies, Ronnie and Daisy
  • Volunteers weekly at a local food pantry; lifelong swimmer, exercise enthusiast and gardener; enjoys motorcycle riding with Andrew
  • Dissatisfied with prior primary care provider after a debilitating stroke and subsequent rehab
  • Now feels seen and heard by her Patina Care team: Michelle Lu, NP, Patina PCP, Irene Yeboah-Ameah, RN, Patina Nurse Champion, and Luis Gonzalez, Patina Health Champion
  • Receives in-person visits to check her vital signs and care needs, supplemented by virtual and telephonic check-ins for help with medication follow-ups, answers to medical questions, and guidance on exercises to stay mobile and active

After a lifetime of giving back to her students and community, Phyllis Stickney now relies on the Patina team to support her care needs. Read on to learn more about Phyllis' experience with Patina.

On the first day of each new school year at George Washington Carver High School of Engineering and Science, Phyllis Stickney would stand before her students and write her name across the chalkboard. Then this longtime mathematics teacher and Philadelphia-area resident would chalk in her phone number.

The idea, she says, was to be the best teacher she could be. To be the person her students could rely on — not just to teach Algebra, Elementary Functions, Geometry, Calculus and Statistics at the highly regarded Philadelphia magnet school, but to be available should a question or an emergency arise. “I wanted to be the teacher I wanted my three children to have,” she says now, in the purple-hued living room of her Elkins Park home. “These kids came from all over Philadelphia. Their parents were hardworking. If something came up, I was there to help or listen.”

One can imagine Phyllis during her 22 years at Carver — her energy and charisma making mathematics fun, her compassion ever-present, her sly ingenuity (and grant-writing prowess) ensuring that, among other things, her students had access to the latest materials and calculators. She turned writing geometry proofs into a game and proudly posted the names of Honor Roll recipients on her hallway bulletin board.

phyllis-stickney-decor-1Mathematics had always come easily to Phyllis. She could just see it — the patterns, the relationships, the rules. As a full-scholarship student at Temple University, she majored in math and minored in physics and made friends with all the other numbers-loving people. Phyllis taught for 13 years at William Penn High School before she made her way to Carver. She recounts, with great pride, her students’ stories, their triumphs, their college acceptances, their place in this world as engineers and scientists, doctors and nurses.

For many years, Phyllis received her medical care from a physician in a well-regarded local practice. But when her physician retired, that practice began to be run more like a business, Phyllis says — a business in which no one ever answered the phone. No one ever seemed to respond to her email queries either, and the frustration, Phyllis says, grew. When, on January 8, 2020, Phyllis experienced a stroke that impaired her walking and strength, she got the care she needed at Jeanes Hospital and Moss Rehab, but she still didn’t have a primary care practice she felt she could rely on.

phyllis-stickney-decor-2She was intrigued, therefore, when a letter arrived from Independence Blue Cross regarding primary care services from Patina. Investigating further, she liked what she heard. She wanted a practice that would take the time to understand her as an individual and to honor her values and goals. She wanted to feel seen and heard. When she met her dedicated care team, her appreciation for Patina intensified.

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I appreciate that Irene takes the time to sit and talk, to understand what’s going on at a deeper level.

A care team that cares

There’s Michelle Lu, NP, her primary care practitioner, who gives, Phyllis says, incredibly good advice and looks out for her total health and well-being. “I was waking up feeling really stiff, even though I was doing all my stretching exercises,” she recounts. “Michelle encouraged me to stretch just before bed, and you know: she was right. That has helped. A lot. Michelle has answers to all my questions. She’s got a 100-percent track record.”

There’s also Luis Gonzalez, her Patina Health Champion, who solves any problems Phyllis might have. “He just takes care of things and makes my life easier. Let’s say the pharmacy has filled my prescription but given me the wrong number of pills,” she says. “I call Luis and the problem gets fixed. I know I can always rely on him; he’s wonderful.”

Finally, there’s Irene Yeboah-Ameah, RN, her Patina Nurse Champion, who comes to the house when needed to support Phyllis’ care plan in person. Irene sits with Phyllis at the kitchen table, takes her measures, assesses Phyllis’ needs and physical environment, asks questions. “When Irene visits, she makes sure I’m taking care of myself,” Phyllis says. “I appreciate that she takes the time to sit and talk, to understand what’s going on at a deeper level. And she’s always in touch with Michelle and Luis. This is such a different experience than I’ve had in the past. I feel like the whole team knows me and has my best interests at heart.”

phyllis-stickney-decor-3Time to focus on what really matters

A Quaker, Phyllis is an active member of Abington Friends Meeting. That is where, after the passing of her beloved husband Skip, she met her current husband, Andrew, whom she married in 2017.

“I’m really blessed,” she says, as she looks out upon her impressive garden. She is surrounded by the things she loves — clay sculptures, paintings, art treasures found in yard sales. Her silver lab Ronnie — big as a small bear and gentle as a rabbit — lies protectively nearby. Her cat Daisy listens in from an adjoining room. Andrew is tinkering with a new sound system on the patio.

Her days, she says, are filled with time in her garden, conversations with former students, motorcycle rides on Andrew’s sleek electric bike — hair flowing in the breeze, sun on their faces. The days are filled, too, with a sense of deep purpose as, every Thursday, Andrew and Phyllis head to the Germantown Crisis Ministry to distribute food to people in need.

Her days of teaching may be behind her, but at 83, Phyllis still strives to be that person that others can rely on. “Life is about paying it forward,” she says. And she’s thankful to Patina for helping her to continue to improve following her stroke and live what she calls her “genuinely golden” years.

See how other Patina patients are enjoying a better healthcare experience in these additional stories.

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Available at the same cost you pay for primary care with your Medicare plan today, Patina is a different kind of medical practice that helps you thrive in all aspects of life. You’ll get a dedicated care team that includes a Patina Primary Care Practitioner (PCP) and Patina Health Champion who take the time to know you, understand your needs, and help you navigate the healthcare system – so you get the care you deserve on your terms via video visits, phone, chat and in-person visits, when needed.

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