Enabling a new care experience

A new primary care experience for adults 65+ is within reach of the 10-county Charlotte metro area

Patina is now accepting new patients in the...

Louise Brooks shares her experience as a Patina primary care patient

When searching for a new primary care provider...

Bringing a new primary care experience to adults 65+ in the Charlotte area

Patina is expanding to serve patients in the...

Mental Health for Older Adults: A Q&A with Patina’s Senior Director of Behavioral Health
Mental Health for Older Adults: A Q&A with Patina’s Senior Director of Behavioral Health

Depression, anxiety and other mental health disorders are common among the older population, but are not considered a normal part of aging. The National Council on Aging (NCOA) reports that one in four older adults will experience a mental disorder.

A Lifelong Commitment to Serving People and Improving Health Outcomes
A Lifelong Commitment to Serving People and Improving Health Outcomes

In these highlights from a recent Pear Healthcare Playbook podcast, Neil Patel, MD, Patina’s Chief Health Officer, reflects on the role patients have in their own care – and why it’s so critical to understand their hopes and goals.

Creating a More Personalized Model for Primary Care

Patina CEO Jack Stoddard joined the Oliver Wyman Health Podcast to share his perspectives on how innovative primary care models, like Patina, promise to achieve healthcare’s triple aim – a better experience and improved health outcomes at a lower cost. The discussion is summarized here and spans an array of topics including how healthcare can learn from other consumer-focused brands, what needs to change in current primary care models for people 65 and over, and why patients, providers and health plans alike all stand to benefit from a more personalized approach.

One Year of Profoundly Transforming the Healthcare and Aging Experience
One Year of Profoundly Transforming the Healthcare and Aging Experience

Patina was built on a simple hypothesis. We can help people live their best lives, and fundamentally transform the healthcare and aging experience in this country, by driving key changes: taking time to get to know people; understanding their priorities, goals and preferences; and supporting them across their aging journey...

Better Healthcare for Those Who Need It Most
Better Healthcare for Those Who Need It Most

Fifteen years ago, I helped found an experimental primary care clinic for the sickest Atlantic City casino workers through AtlantiCare. Many were suffering from chronic conditions and diseases and were frequently hospitalized. They were fed up with the lack of progress they were making with their personal health and wellness. Their union’s health fund, which was in dire financial straits following years of explosive medical costs, was searching for a solution.

Patina announces partnerships with major national Medicare Advantage plans, significantly expanding the reach of its unique primary care experience for adults 65+ in Philadelphia region

Aetna, Cigna and UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage members will soon have access to Patina’s relationship-centered virtual and in-home primary care services, which are already available to Independence Blue Cross members

Medicare Advantage Plans Need to ‘Win’ on Consumer Experience in 2023
Medicare Advantage Plans Need to ‘Win’ on Consumer Experience in 2023

With the elevation of member experience measures in Star Ratings, CMS is signaling a broader transformation in the role payers can and should play in the care delivery system. The Medicare Advantage market has shown no signs of cooling over the past two decades. As the number of plan offerings continues to grow, competition …